In previous blog, we focused on the option. I assume our readers understand option, as well as binomial option pricing. If you can't recall, you may visit previous post one more time.
(1) We can't expand the three more than 3 depth.
(2) Do we really need to type each option pricing case?
Both problems look critical. That's why we adopt one coding principle - Refactoring. Programming pursues laziness. Programmers tend not to type too much and want his code to be adapted in any situation. There is a way to get away from this issue. We can use mathematical trick to implement this code.
As you can see, in order to represent the children's index, we can simply multiply parent's index by 2 or add 2. The reason why we can use this mathematical trick is that it's binary tree. Each node has two children always. Now let's beef up our code.
#Binomial option pricing (2)
#We can expand the tree to more than 3rd depth.
#U = exp(volatility)
#D = exp(-volatility)
#p = 0.5 (We have the equal chance of making or losing money)
#Risk free rate = 0.02 => exp(0.02)
#For those who are not familiar with data structure, I deliberately used just array.
#I'll make a new code for those who are familiar with tree data structure
#Define the variable
depth<-5 #How many steps (tree depth) do you want to make
upside_probability<-0.5 #The chance that the stop price goes up
rate <- exp(0.02) #Risk Free rate
volatility <- 0.2
exercise_price <- 100
stock_price <- 100
total_node<-2^depth-1 #Total number of node
G <- graph.tree(n=total_node, children=2) #I'll make a graph whose nodes are 7, and each node has two children
stock_tree <- (1:total_node)
tree_traverse <- 2^(depth-1) -1
for(i in 1:tree_traverse) {
#We are going to use mathematical trick to represent tree.
stock_tree[i*2] <- stock_tree[i] * exp(volatility)
stock_tree[i*2 + 1] <- stock_tree[i] * exp(-volatility)
V(G)$name <- round(stock_tree) #Name of the tree
lay <- layout.reingold.tilford(G) #It's tree. You can try other shape with other layout options
plot(G, layout=lay, vertex.size=15, edge.arrow.size=0.1) #Draw the tree.
#As opposed to the stock price, the option pricing starts out with end nodes (bottom nodes)
#I already explained the logic. Just follow it from one by one.
bottom_node<-tree_traverse + 1
#In order to value the option, we need to calculate bottom line first.
for(i in bottom_node:total_node) {
after_option <- stock_tree[i] - exercise_price
if( after_option >0 ) {
option_price[i] <- after_option
} else {
option_price[i] <- 0
#Discount it back to current time while considering the probabilty of up and down
for(i in tree_traverse:1) {
V(G)$name <- round(option_price)
plot(G, layout=lay, vertex.size=15, edge.arrow.size=0.1)
<For stock price>
<For option price: $18>
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