I want to buy a new house, but I don't have enough money. I decide to take out the loan from the bank. The house that I want to buy is worth $150,000. Currently, the bank offers the loan with 12% APR monthly compounded. I want to pay the mortgage for 30 years. What would be the monthly payment?
Plus, show the monthly interest payment and principal payment as time goes by.
We are going to solve this problem with annuity formula. And then, we are going to make a table for each payment period. Be sure that APR should be divided by 12 as it is a monthly payment.
Picture is from http://www.financeformulas.net/
#Mortgage & Annuity
#Let's suppose that you want to buy a house that is worth $150,000
#Current APR rate is 12%, monthly compounded. (monthly rate = 1%)
#You want to take out the loan for 30 years (360 months)
#What would be the monthly payment?
#What would be the table that describes monthly interest payment & principal payment?
principal <- 150000
period <- 12 * 30 #30 years * 12 months
#Getting monthly rate
rate <- (0.12 / 12)
#Getting monthly payment with annuity formula
payment <- principal / ((1-(1+rate)^(-period))/rate)
#In this situation payment would be 1542.92
#Let's build a table
#I use the sequance (1:360), meaning that please make a collection that has the value from 1 to 360.
mortgage <- data.frame(period=(1:360), balance=150000, payment=payment, interest_pmt=(1:360), principal=(1:360))
for(i in 1:360) {
if(i==1) {
#First payment
mortgage$interest_pmt[i] <- principal * rate #Interest payment
#Payment - Interest payment = principal amount that we can pay back this month
mortgage$principal[i] <- mortgage$payment[i] - mortgage$interest_pmt[i]
mortgage$balance[i] <- mortgage$balance[i] - mortgage$principal[i]
} else {
#After second payment
mortgage$interest_pmt[i] <- mortgage$balance[(i-1)] * rate
mortgage$principal[i] <- mortgage$payment[i] - mortgage$interest_pmt[i]
mortgage$balance[i] <- mortgage$balance[i-1] - mortgage$principal[i]
#In R, there is a predefined palette. "rainbow" is the most usual one. You don't need to think about which color should be used.
myColor <- rainbow(2)
plot(mortgage$period, mortgage$interest_pmt, xlab = "Period", ylab="Cash Flow", col=myColor[1], type="l")
#Using command "lines" is the easiest way to add one more line on the existing graph.
lines(mortgage$period, mortgage$principal, col=myColor[2], type="l")
#We are going to add legend
#X, #Y position of the legend. The higher Y value, the higher position in the monitor.
c("Interest Payment", "Principal payment"),
lty=c(1,1), #As this is a line graph, we are going to use line as a symbol
lwd=c(1,1), #Thickness of the line
col=myColor, #color
cex=0.6 #If it is 1.0 it's too big. Basically it is a scale factor
Monthly payment: $1542.919
#head() command allows you to have a peek at data frame if it is really large.
> head(mortgage)
period balance payment interest_pmt principal
1 1 149957.1 1542.919 1500.000 42.91890
2 2 149913.7 1542.919 1499.571 43.34808
3 3 149870.0 1542.919 1499.137 43.78157
4 4 149825.7 1542.919 1498.700 44.21938
5 5 149781.1 1542.919 1498.257 44.66157
6 6 149736.0 1542.919 1497.811 45.10819
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